Catholic Charities Wayne County

A nonprofit organization

2 donors

As a faith-based organization, we welcome the opportunity to serve people from all walks of life, religious and non-religious alike. Our Wayne County office offers a number of programs, including Counseling, Early Childhood Mental Health, Help Me Grow, Mentoring, and Psychiatric Services. On Tuesday, November 29th, via #WeGiveCatholic, we will be raising money for our WISE Program, which provides Wraparound Services for developmentally disabled individuals and their families. Our goal is $3,000. Any funds raised will benefit individuals and their families who struggle with a mental health challenge and a developmental disability. Contributions will pay for ongoing services provided by our staff, respite opportunities for those served, and other supportive items that help keep an individual living in their home and community. We appreciate any help you can provide! 

Contributions will be used for programming in 2024.

Who We Are

Catholic Charities in Wayne County provides an array of services to help meet the behavioral health needs of the citizens of Wayne County. One program that is unique in our area is the WISE Program which provides specialized treatment for individuals with mental health challenges and developmental disabilities. Our talented staff provides counseling, case management, and Wraparound care to not only the individual that is served but the whole family. Please consider helping us provide ongoing critical care to families in our area. Funds will be used in 2023 to help pay for respite services, in-home equipment, and other items that help support the individual to stay in their home and with their family.

Organization Data


Organization name

Catholic Charities Wayne County


Children & Family


521 Beall Avenue
Wooster, OH 44691


330 262 7836