St. Sebastian Parish

A nonprofit organization

$6,000 raised by 54 donors

30% complete

$20,000 Goal

This year’s proceeds from St. Sebastian’s #weGiveCatholic will go to a new greenhouse project in honor of Fr. Valencheck’s 25th Ordination Anniversary.  This new stately greenhouse will not only enhance our grounds but will provide floral arrangements to beautify our altar.  In addition, the new greenhouse will house bulbs and plantings for our cutting garden, the grounds crew flower gardens, and the school vegetable garden.  Also, this new greenhouse will be a place to cultivate and winterize plants, bulbs and greenery that we would typically have to throw out or store at parishioners’ houses. 

For more information, please contact Kathy Holaday at (330) 836-2233 x 113 or at

Please support our #weGiveCatholic project this year on November 28.

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

St. Sebastian Parish

Tax id (EIN)





476 Mull Avenue
Akron, OH 44320


330 836 2233 x 113

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