St. Peter Chapel Chairs
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
St. Peter Parish, LorainHelp St. Peter Parish complete our newly renovated Chapel by donating toward the purchase of chairs.
raised by 51 people
$16,250 goal
12 days left
Dear Parishioners:
I invite your family to join me in this year’s #weGIVECATHOLIC annual Diocesan fund raising day.
At St. Peter Parish, we are in need of purchasing seating for our newly renovated and expanded Chapel in the Parish Center.
We have a quote for the seating for the chapel which will seat 65 people. The cost of the seating will be $16,250. Each seat will cost $250. The picture above shows a wood sample, fabric sample, and seating style of the new chairs.
These seats will be used for many years and will help to finish this project. Thank you for your continued support in saving the souls of God’s people.
Fr. Craig Hovanec