Beth's Fundraiser for Joseph & Mary's Home

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Joseph & Mary's Home
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Joseph & Mary's Home helps adults experiencing homelessness recuperate and rebuild their lives.


raised by 3 people

$500 goal

More about Joseph & Mary's Home

Update posted 8 months ago

2022 has been an exciting year for Joseph & Mary's Home.  After 22 years of operating Joseph's Home and helping medically-fragile men experiencing homelessness, in March 2022, we opened Mary's Home, our second facility.  Mary's Home helps medically-fragile women experiencing homelessness heal and get connected to the health, housing and other supports they need to regain their health and housing stability.  We can now serve twice as many people, and we can serve women for the first time.  

Our ability to serve women was made possible by the incredible generosity of many in our community.  In spite of the pandemic, many stepped forward to help us raise the funds needed, renovate the space, acquire the supplies and hire our staff.  

We hope you will consider matching or increasing your past support, so that we can continue to serve those that need our help, regardless of gender. Thank you so much for your partnership and support of our mission!

This fundraiser supports

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Joseph & Mary's Home

Organized By Beth Graham

Giving Activity


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